Maximize Nutrition for Your Livestock During Summer

Maximize Nutrition for Your Livestock During Summer Summer heat can cause stress to most of your livestock, especially your dairy cows. If the outdoor temperature is too high, your cattle experience heat related stress and tend to decrease in performance. It causes even more problems for cattle if the night temperature doesn’t seem to cool off. Your animals may find it difficult to get rid of the heat that they build up throughout the day. Heat...

Tips on Pasture Management & Feeding Heat-Stressed Livestock

Tips on Pasture Management & Feeding Heat-Stressed Livestock Heat stress during summer can have a major impact on most farm animals and influence their performance. Animals feel heat stress at lower temperatures than what we would imagine. Some animals such as pigs can start feeling heat stress as the day temperature starts to rise and surpasses 70 degrees. Animals can start experiencing adverse effects of heat stress, if heat issues are not addressed. To...

How Global Warming & Climatic Changes Affect Dairy Cattle

How Global Warming & Climatic Changes Affect Dairy Cattle One of the most prominent challenges that environmental scientists and policy makers face today is global warming. The major causes of global warming, as we already know, is the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly CO2 , NH4, and NO3. The concentration of these gases in the atmosphere has been increasing at a rapid rate, ever since human beings started...

Tips on Animal Welfare – How to Care for Livestock during Droughts

Tips on Animal Welfare – How to Care for Livestock during Droughts During the summer, you can have prolonged periods of dry seasons where the supply of food and water may become scarce. However, planning for the dry seasons should be a part of your normal production cycle plan and overall livestock management plan to deal with droughts and shortages of feed and water. Droughts are also becoming a major concern among farmers and producers across the United...

Preparing Your Livestock for Spring and Summer Heat

Preparing Your Livestock for Spring and Summer Heat As days in May are warming up, we are reminded of the hot days of June, July, and August when we will be facing challenges with our livestock, especially dairy cows. Your cows need a slight change in their diet during the summer to cope with the stresses of heat and humidity. It is also important that you plant plenty of bushes and trees in your pasture which would provide both variety in their...

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