3 Surprising Things Cows are Fed That You Didn’t Know

3 Surprising Things Cows are Fed That You Didn’t Know You might be surprised to find out what cows are being fed at the feedlots. In addition to the old soy and corn, animals are being fed garbage like saw dust, candy wrappers, and fish guts. Suppose you bought a pound of meat from the supermarket. It is more than likely that your beef came from a feedlot raised cow. Do you know what was fed to the animal before it was turned into packaged beef?...

Cutting Height and Moisture level of Hay Bales

Cutting Height and Moisture level of Hay Bales Haying season is in full swing. We’ve had some seasonal rain that made our pasture grasses thrive, so we’ve been having a pretty busy month. Here, we will talk about the importance of moisture levels and cutting height of bailing hay.    With heavy rain and flooding, some producers around the country may be facing difficulties with hay cutting and baling. If you haven’t made your first...

Organic Livestock Farming & Feed Solutions

Organic Livestock Farming & Feed Solutions If you are trying to raise animals on an organic farm, it’s important that you find organic livestock feed for your animals. What makes animal feed organic?   If you are a farmer and want to raise animals organically on your farm, you have several options. Organic livestock could include cattle, sheep, goats, bees, swine, poultry and equine animals. Organic animals are raised for several...

Make Hay While Sun Shines – Hay Silage & Animal Feed

Make Hay While Sun Shines – Hay Silage & Animal Feed Dry summers and lack of pasture can be challenging for farmers. Now could be a perfect time for making hay and silage for your livestock to prepare for the dry summer ahead. The sun has been shining for several days now, and you could be making hay and silage right now for the dry seasons ahead. Long dry seasons are becoming more common and finding suitable animal feed can be a challenge for...

Grazing Techniques that Reduce Feeding Costs

Grazing Techniques that Reduce Feeding Costs Utilizing your forage resources and making the best use of your pasture will reduce your feeding cost. For livestock farmers, managing pastures and grazing efficiently is critical for cutting costs.    Forages supply over 80% of the annual feed requirement of any livestock farm. Profit from a livestock farm or cow-calf operation often depends on how efficiently animals are grazed and how well...

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